Upstreamists & Community Health Detailing: How Re-Imagined Workforce and Community Engagement Models Can Improve Healthcare and the Social Determinants of Health


Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH,

President & Founder of HealthBegins, Lead Physician, Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team, Office of Transformation & Innovation at Department of Veterans Affairs, Los Angeles, and Founder & Chair of RxDemocracy

Learning Objectives:

1. To understand social determinants of health and their potential role in improving healthcare quality, population health outcomes and lowering costs. 2. To understand the benefits of a healthcare workforce model to improve the triple aim and social determinants of health. 3. To understand how geoinformatics can be used in a popular education curriculum to engage community residents in addressing social determinants of health. 4. To explain benefits of a participatory “Community Health Detailing” model for community health and the delivery of healthcare services.


Clinical Directors Network (CDN) Center of Excellence for Primary Care Practice-Based Research and Learning and N2 PBRN A Network of Networks Virtual Training Series (AHRQ, Grant No. 1P30-HS-021667)


Tuesday, January 21st, 2014, 3:00 – 4:00 PM EST

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