Jaimie P. Meyer, MD, MS, FACP,
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing, Yale School of Medicine
Summary of Session Goals:
The goal of this session is to address the ways in which special populations of women and people who use drugs experience disparities in HIV prevention and how lack of PrEP awareness impacts health outcomes.
Goals and Objectives:
1. Discuss the need and potential for PrEP as HIV prevention among special populations of women and people who use drugs;
2. Evaluate potential barriers to PrEP uptake and retention among special populations of women and people who use drugs, including lack of awareness;
3. Identify strategies to increase PrEP awareness among special populations of women and people who use drugs, including the use of patient-centered decision aids.
Cicatelli Associates Inc.,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Grant No. 1U65PS004408-1),
Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN)
Friday, October 12th, 2018, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM EST
PrEP Awareness in Special Populations of Women and People who Use Drugs (PDF)
This webcast is approved for up to 1.5 Prescribed CME credits by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).