Increasing Hepatitis C Screening and Linkage to Care in the Community


Arlene C. Seña, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Division of Infectious Diseases
Medical and laboratory Director, Durham County Department of Public Health

Candice Givens, BSW

Bridge Counselor / Patient Navigator, University of North Carolina Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases and Durham County Department of Public Health

Learning Objectives

  1. To review data supporting targeted HCV screening among at-risk individuals in the community, and strategies for integration with publicly-funded programs.
  2. To review a statewide model of provider education and training in HCV management among community-based clinics.
  3. To discuss the integral role of HCV bridge counseling or patient navigation for assisting an underserved population with chronic HCV infections.

Session Goal:

This session will discuss evidence –based approaches to integration of hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening with publicly funded programs (including health department clinics, county detention center, social service areas) and linkage to care through an HCV “bridge counselor” who assists with the needs of underserved persons in the community identified with chronic HCV infections. The session will also discuss healthcare provider training among Federally Qualified Health Care Centers (FQHCs) in urban and rural centers statewide in North Carolina.

A live webcast sponsored by:

Merck (Grant No. AAN170209041806), The N2 PBRN Virtual Training Series (AHRQ, Grand No. IP30-HS-021667), and Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN)


Monday, January 29th, 2018 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST


Increasing Hepatitis C Screening and Linkage to Care in the Community (PDF)

This webcast has been approved for up to 1.0 Prescribed CME/CNE credits by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Enduring CME credits valid until January 29, 2019.

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