Improving Health Care Worker Well-Being: Implementing Stress First Aid


Courtney Gidengil, MD, MPH
Director, Boston Office
Senior Physician Policy Researcher
RAND, Boston, MA

Lisa S. Meredith, PhD
Senior Behavioral Scientist
Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School
RAND, Santa Monica, CA

Rina Ramirez, MD
Physician – Chief Medical Officer
Zufall Health, Dover, NJ

Sarah Aleman, LCSW
Senior Vice President, Behavioral Health Services
Zufall Health, Dover, NJ

A live webcast brought to you by:

  • New York City Community Engagement Alliance to End COVID-19 Disparities (NYCEAL) – National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Community Engagement Alliance Against COVID-19 Disparities (Grant No. 1OT2HL156812-01)
  • Protecting the Mental and Physical Well-Being of Frontline Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 (PCORI, Contract No. COVID-2020C2-10721) 
  • The Rockefeller University Clinical and Translational Science Award Program (CTSA) (NIH-NCATS, Grant No. UL1-TR-000043)
  • The N2-PBRN Virtual Training Series (AHRQ, Grant No. 1P30-HS-021667)


Thursday, May 16, 2024 (12:00PM-1:00PM)

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