Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN) is a not-for-profit clinician membership organization, practice-based research network (PBRN), and clinician training organization, founded to provide peer-initiated activities for clinicians practicing in low income, minority, and other underserved communities. CDN’s overall goal is to translate clinical research into clinical practice for the enhancement of health equity and improvement of public health. CDN is the oldest and largest PBRN devoted to dedicated to providing and improving comprehensive and accessible community-oriented primary and preventive health care services for poor, minority, and underserved populations. CDN operates as a private, not-for-profit corporation, by and for an extensive network of current and future Health Center Clinical Leaders. CDN conducts project based research and educational activities in partnership with government, academic, not-for-profit, and for profit organizations. CDN was founded in 1985 as a professional peer organization, based on the demonstrated effectiveness of peer-initiated activities in promoting health care excellence, assuring and improving quality and controlling costs. CDN has a for-profit subsidiary, Quality Professional Systems Development, Inc. (QPSD) (www.QPSD.com).