Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques/Expressive Supportive Therapy (SMART/EST) Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Training (CBSM+) for HIV+ Women
SMART/EST I: The goal of this project was to test the effects of cognitive-behavioral interventions on quality of life and psychosocial and health status indices in a randomized controlled trial with ethnically representative women with AIDS, including African-American, Caribbean, and Hispanic women. Ten Community Health Centers and 432 HIV+ women were involved with the project. This project was a collaboration with the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Research Center.
SMART/EST II: The goal of this project was to test the effects of cognitive-behavioral interventions on quality of life, psychosocial and health status with women who speak English, Spanish or Creole. Eleven Community Health Centers and 450 female patients who received a 16-week intervention in either a group or individual condition and a two-year follow-up were involved. This project was a collaboration with the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Research Center and St. John’s University.
SMART/EST III: The goal of this multi-site research study was to translate the SMART/EST Women’s Program (SWP), an evidence-based behavioral intervention designed to enhance quality of life and improve health status for ethnically diverse, disadvantaged women living with HIV/AIDS, from the academic setting into the health care system of four HRSA-funded HCs. Five Clinical Health Centers and 428 HIV+ women were involved in the project. This project was a collaboration with University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
SMART/EST Women’s Intervention

CBSM+ is now on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)
Stress Management Intervention Training Webcast:
Marc Zuckerman, PhD
Stress Management Slide Set
Renee Nasajon, PsyD
Stress Management Slide Set
Haitian Creole
Joanne Camille, PhD (audio only)
Stress Management Slide Set
SMART/EST Training Protocol:
Speaker: Mary Ishii
- SMART/EST Training Protocol: Review of SAQ and Sexual Diary [CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO]
- SMART/EST Training Protocol: Role Play, Example, Cultural Differences [CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO]
- SMART/EST Training Protocol: HDS, Folstein [CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO]
- SMART/EST Training Protocol: Skipt Outs, Q&A Time [CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO]
- SMART/EST Training Protocol: Conference Call with Miami- Q&A, Clarifications, Issues [CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO]
- SMART/EST Training Protocol: Reason and Importance of Quality Assurance [CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO]
- SMART/EST Training Protocol: Review of Material, Q&A, SCID [CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO]
Please contact us to request a copy of any of the reprints.
- Jones, D.L., Ishii, M., La Perriere, A., Stanley, H., Antoni, M., Ironson, G., Schneiderman, N., Van Splunteren, F., Cassells, A., Alexander, K., Gousse, Y., Vaughn, A., Brondolo, E., Tobin, J.N., Weiss, S., “Influencing Medication Adherence among Women with AIDS: The SMART/EST Women’s Project.” AIDS Care, 15(4): 463-474, 2003. PMID: 14509861
- Ironson, G., Weiss, S., Lydston, D. D., Lechner, S., Ishii, M., Asthana, D., Jones, D., Tobin, J.N., LaPerriere, A., Antoni, M., Schneiderman, N., Kumar, M. “The Impact of Improved Self-Efficacy on HIV Viral Load and Distress in Culturally Diverse Women Living with AIDS: The SMART/EST Women’s Project.” AIDS Care, 17(2): 222-236, 2005. PMID: 15763716
- LaPerriere, A., Ironson, G., Antoni, M.H., Stanley, H., Jones, D., Devieux, J., Ishii, M., Goldstein, A., Cassells, A., Brondolo, E., Tobin, J.N., Schneiderman, N., Weiss, S. “Decreased Depression up to One Year Following CBSM + Intervention in Depressed Women with AIDS: The SMART/EST Women’s Project.” Journal of Health Psychology, 10(2): 223-231, 2005. PMID: 15723892
- Segal-Isaacson, C.J., Tobin, J.N., Weiss, S.M., Brondolo, E., Vaughn, A., Camille, J., Gousse, Y., Ishii, M., Jones, D., LaPerriere, A., Lydston, D., Schneiderman, N., Ironson, G., “Improving Dietary Habits In Disadvantaged Women with HIV/AIDS: The SMART/EST Women’s Project” AIDS and Behavior, 10:659-270, 2006. PMID: 16770694
- Jones, D.L., McPherson-Baker, S., Lydston, D., Camille, J., Brondolo, E., Tobin, J.N., Weiss, S.M., “Efficacy of a Group Medication Adherence Intervention Among HIV Positive Women: The SMART/EST Women’s Project” AIDS and Behavior, 11(1): 79-86, 2007. PMID: 17028992
- Lopez, E., Jones, D. L, Ishii, M., Tobin, J.N., Weiss, S. M., “HIV Medication Adherence and Substance Use: The SMART/EST Women’s Project” American Journal of Infectious Diseases, 3(4): 239-246, 2007. PMID: 18668183
- Jones, D., Ishii, M., Tobin, J.N., Brondolo, E., Lydston, D., Weiss, S.M., “Self Efficacy and Distress in Women with AIDS: The SMART/EST Women’s Project” AIDS Care, 22(12): 1499-1508, 2010. PMID: 20845112
- Weiss, S., Tobin, J.N., Antoni, M., Ironson, G., Ishii, M., Vaughn, A., Cassells, A., Jones, D., Schneiderman, N., Brondolo, E., LaPerriere, A., Lopez, M., Villar-Loubet, O., Kumar, J.B., Page, J.B., “Enhancing the Health of Women Living with HIV: SMART/EST Women’s Project” International Journal of Women’s Health, 3: 63-77, 2011. PMID: 21445376
- Jones, D.L., Lopez, M., Simons, H., Diaz-Gloster, M., Tobin, J.N., Weiss, S.M., “Translation of a Comprehensive Health Behavior Intervention for Women Living with HIV: The SMART/EST Women’s Project.” Translational Behavioral Medicine, 3(4): 416-425, 2013. PMID: 24294330
- Weiss, S.M., Tobin, J.N., Lopez, M., Simons, H., Cook, R., Jones, D.L., “Translating an Evidence-based Behavioral Intervention for Women’s Living with HIV into Clinical Practice: The SMART/EST Women’s Program.” International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 22(3): 415-424, 2015. PMID: 24623475
- Lopez-Patton, M.R., Weiss, S.M., Tobin, J.N., Jones, D.L., Diaz-Gloster, M., the SMART/EST Women’s Team “Translating evidence-based interventions from research to practice: challenges and lessons learned” Translational Behavioral Medicine, 5(2): 233-241, 2015. PMID: 26029285
- SMART/EST I: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) “Stress Management and Relaxation Training/Expressive Supportive Therapy (SMART/EST) for Women with AIDS” (Grant No. 1R01-MH 55463-01A2) with University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- SMART/EST II: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) “Stress Management and Relaxation Training/Expressive Supportive Therapy (SMART/EST II) for Women with HIV/AIDS” (Grants No. R01-MH61208 (Tobin, PI) and R01-MH55463 (Weiss, PI)) with University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- SMART/EST III: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Translating Effective Health Behavior Strategies into Practice for HIV+ Women (SMART/EST III)” (Grant No. 1 R18-PS000829-01) with University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences