The BP Visit Study is a Quality Improvement intervention designed to improve care for patients with uncontrolled blood pressure. It’s overarching aim is to determine whether implementing multimodal QI strategies will result in clinician implementation of the JNC guidelines for monthly visits for patients with uncontrolled blood pressure who are patients at FQHCs in the New York Metropolitan area.
This webpage was designed to provide health care providers with the tools they need to improve blood pressure control among the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) patient population. The materials on this page include resources for providers on the treatment guidelines, adherence and support, as well as for patients on home blood pressure monitoring, lifestyle changes, and medication adherence.
Clinician Training Links
Update on Current HTN Guidelines and Check-in on Implementation of Best Practices
Kevin Fiscella, MD, MPH
Professor, Family Medicine, Public Health Sciences and Oncology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Wilmot Cancer Center, Associate Director, Research Division, Department of Family Medicine, University at Buffalo
Stephen K. Williams, MD, MS
Clinical Assistant Professor, Center for Healthful Behavior Change, Department of Population Health, NYU School of Medicine, University at Buffalo
Sponsored by:
New York University (NYU), University of Rochester, Medical Center and Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN)
Friday, June 1st 2018 from 8 AM to 9 AM EDT
♦ May Measurement Month! 5/21/2018
♦ Barbershop Intervention Lowers Blood Pressure! 4/3/2018
♦ In Commemoration of Black History Month and Dr. Elijah Saunders 3/1/2018
♦ The New 2017 Hypertension Guidelines and Cardiovascular Risk 1/26/2018
♦ A Clinical Skill that Virtually no Medical Student Could Complete Successfully 11/17/2017
♦ Critical Atenolol Shortage in the U.S. announced. Should we Panic? 10/6/2017
♦ The Case for Using Guanfacine Over Clonidine 8/10/2017
♦ Health Fair Protocols for Blood Pressure and Diabetes 7/28/2017
♦ Re: “Unsilencing” Hypertension: Share your Stories! 6/26/2017
♦ “Unsilencing” Hypertension: Share your Stories! 6/22/2017
♦ “Unsilence” Hypertension for Better Patient Outcomes 5/25/2017
♦ Literature Update – Bare Arm Best for BP Measurement 5/5/2017
♦ Hypertensive Urgency – Primum Non Nocere 4/10/2017
♦Managing Anti-Hypertensive Side Effects to Improve Our Patients’ Quality of Life 2/23/2017
♦Special Issue: The Story of Chlorthalidone and Capitalism ~ Clinician Highlight 1/23/2017
♦ The Grinch of Healthcare 12/20/2016
♦ Wrist BP Cuff Devices 11/16/2016
♦Therapeutic Coverage and Missed Doses 10/05/2016
♦ When Blood Pressure is Political 08/19/2016
♦ Farewell to Hydrochlorothiazide! 07/13/2016
♦ Clinician Vs. Machine 05/23/2016
♦ Return to the Health Center in One Month 04/26/2016
♦ The 5A’s and Patient Buy-In 03/25/2016
♦ Don’t Underestimate a Broken Heart 02/23/2016
♦ Multiple BP Readings for Improved Accuracy 01/29/2016
♦ Nurse Algorithm for Blood Pressure Measurement 01/19/2016
♦ NY Times Article Illustrates Importance of Proper BP Measurement 12/09/2015
♦ DASH to Lower BP!! 11/03/2015
♦ Welcome to the BP Visit Listserv! First Bi-weekly Update 09/22/2015

Research reported in this toolkit was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health under award number 1R18HL117801. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health
Number | Topic | Source | Version | Used in BP visit study |
1 | Blood pressure | NIH>NHLBI | English & Spanish | |
2 | Consequences of HTN | AHA | English & Spanish | |
3 | Add-steps-your day | University of Wisconsin System | English | Yes |
4 | Blood pressure Tracker log | AHA | English | Yes |
5 | Consumer ED HBP (Facts about BP) | CDC | English | |
6 | HBP rainbow chart (BP. Categories) | AHA | English | |
7 | HNBP wallet | NIH/NHLBI U.S DHHS | English | |
8 | HBP lowering guide | NIH/NHLBI U.S DHHS | English | CAATCH |
9 | High blood pressure-sheet | Preventive cardiovascular nurses association | English & Spanish | Yes |
10 | Dash eating plan | 2007, B.L. Svarstad, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin System) | English | Yes |
11 | Ucm_Medicine chart | AHA | English | Yes |
12 | Blood pressure monitoring | 1. High Blood Pressure – It’s in your court! Health Bulletin – NYC DOHMH; Vol 6, No 4 2. Understanding Task Force Recommendations – U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, Oct 2015 |
English | Yes |
13 | Tip sheet_hcp_medadherence | Millions Hearts | English | CAATCH |
14 | Do you know the facts about taking your medication? | NYC DOH | English & Spanish | |
15 | HBP med. Adherence | NYC DOH&MH | English | |
16 | Medicine list | AHRQ | English | |
17 | Medicine list -patient reminder card | AHRQ | English | |
18 | Pe hbp blood pressure tracker | AHA | English |