DASH Diet Intervention at Carter Burden Network Senior Centers

Funded by an Administration on Aging Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services Grant from the
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Community Living

Problem: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) poses significant health risks for seniors, with two thirds of those aged 60 to 79, and approximately 85% of those 80 and over having one or more form of CVD. Blood pressure is one of the major modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, with even moderate reductions playing a major role in preventing cardiovascular events. Recent studies conducted with the Carter Burden Network (CBN) senior population have shown high rates of uncontrolled blood pressure and other CVD risk factors.

Project: CBN, in partnership with The Rockefeller University and Clinical Directors Network, will address seniors’ cardiovascular risk through implementation of a dietary intervention at two of its senior centers – the Leonard Covello Senior Program in East Harlem and the Carter Burden Luncheon Club on the Upper East Side. Senior centers serve as critical resource hubs for seniors, offering a spectrum of health, nutritional, social service, and recreational programming.
The project will implement the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI’s) DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet through meals provided at senior centers and study the impact of this intervention on blood pressure control. The DASH diet has been tested by two major studies backed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), demonstrating ability to lower blood pressure in as little as 14 days. The diet is plant-focused – rich in fruits, vegetables, and nuts, with supplementary inclusion of non-fat and low-fat dairy products, whole grains, poultry, fish, lean meats, and heart healthy fats. Breakfast and lunch menus at Covello and lunch menus at the Luncheon Club will be adjusted to be DASH- compliant, while respecting the cultural and taste preferences of clients.
The project will also offer educational workshops on blood pressure, nutrition, and exercise, and their relation to cardiovascular health. Nutrition demonstrations with ingredients from the farmers market and food pantry will show seniors how to maintain the DASH diet at home within their budget.

We hope to recruit 200 participants, all of whom will receive Bluetooth-enabled home blood pressure monitoring kits. They will be trained on how to use the devices and encouraged to share home readings with their clinicians, improving self-monitoring, self-efficacy, and healthcare engagement.

Evaluation: Through monitoring and data collection at the centers at a number of intervals, CBN and partners will measure changes in blood pressure, weight, nutritional and behavioral changes, and self-efficacy in health management of participants.

Outcomes: Through this project, we hope to achieve for participants:
  • Reductions in blood pressure
  • Reductions in weight and body mass index (BMI)
  • Improvement of health and nutrition knowledge and awareness
  • Improved dietary and fitness habits
  • Improved self-efficacy in blood pressure monitoring and self-management

Improving Cardiovascular Health through Implementation of a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-Diet-Based Multi-Component Intervention with Senior Services Programs

Presentations in English

Food is Medicine: 
Implementing Evidence-based Interventions with 
Older Adult Centers to Reduce Blood Pressure and 
Cardiovascular Risk

Presented by: 
Rhonda G. Kost, MD | Associate Professor of Clinical Investigation, Clinical Research Officer The Rockefeller University
Dozene Guishard, EdD, CDP | Director of Health and Wellness Initiatives, Carter Burden Network (CBN)
Andrea Ronning, MA, RD | Director of Bionutrition, The Rockefeller University
Anuradha Hashemi-Arend, MPH | Community Engagement Specialist, The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clewart Sylvester, MD | Assistant Director, Health & Wellness Initiatives, Carter Burden Network (CBN)
Moufdi Naji | Food Services Manager, Carter Burden Network (CBN)
Shirley Dixon | Food Ambassador/DASH1 Study Participant, Carter Burden Network (CBN)
Jonathan N. Tobin, PhD | President/CEO, Clinical Directors Network, Inc. (CDN), Senior Epidemiologist, Adjunct Professor & Co-Director, Community Engaged Research, The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science

Benefits of the DASH Diet: 
Going Beyond High Blood Pressure

Presented by: 
Beth and George Vitoux Professor of Medicine,
Founding Director Vitoux Program on Aging and Prevention, Associate Head of Scholarly Activity Department of Medicine,
The University of Illinois, Chicago

High Blood Pressure: 
Who, What, Where, When and How to Control!

Presented by: 
William Pagano, MD, MPH
Medical Director – NYU Lutheran Family Health Centers – Emeritus
CDN Board Member – Emeritus

How To Use Your Home Blood Pressure Monitor

Presented by: 
Chamanara Khalida, MD, MPH
Project Manager, Clinical Directors Network, Inc. CDN

How to Use Your Home Blood Pressure Monitor (NACHC) CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO!

Presentaciones en español

Para poder observar las siguientes presentaciones, favor ingrese su nombre, apellido y correo electrónico en los espacios correspondientes

Presión Arterial Alta 
¡Quién, qué, dónde, cuándo y cómo controlar!

Presentado por: 
William Pagano, MD, MPH
Director Médico – NYU Lutheran Family Health Centers – Emérito
Miembro de la junta de CDN – Emérito

¿Cómo utilizar el monitor de Alta 
Presión Arterial en el hogar? 

Presentado por: 
Chamanara Khalida, MD, MPH
Project Manager, Clinical Directors Network, Inc. CDN

Como Usar Su Monitor de Presión Arterial (NACHC) HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA VIDEO!

DASH Diet Intervention at Carter Burden Senior Centers
LiveOn NY 30th Annual Conference January 30, 2020

Guishard E.d.D., CDP, Director of Health and Wellness Initiatives at Carter Burden Network (CBN)
Rhonda G. Kost MD, Co-Director, Community Engaged Research Core, Vice-Chair, Institutional Review Board, Associate Professor of Clinical Investigation, The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Principal Investigator DASH protocol
Kimberly Vasquez, MPH, Community Engagement Specialist, and Project Manager DASH Diet Project, Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Jonathan N. Tobin, PhD,  President/CEO Clinical Directors Network, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center
Co-Director Community Engaged Research Core, The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Co-Principal Investigator DASH Diet
LiveOn NY 30th Annual Conference, January 30, 2020

A Community-Academic Partnership to Implement DASH Diet and Social/Behavioral Interventions
in Congregate Meal Settings to Reduce Hypertension Among Seniors Aging In Place
Presented at “Translational Science 2021”


  1. Hashemi A, Vasquez K, Guishard D, Naji M, Ronning A, George-Alexander G, Vasquez D, Sylvester C, Pagano W, Khalida C, Coffran C, Ezeonu T, Fofana K, Bielopolski D, Vaughan R, Qureshi A, Tobin JN, Kost RG. Implementing DASH-aligned Congregate Meals and Self-Measured Blood Pressure in two senior centers: An open label study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2022 Aug;32(8):1998-2009. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2022.05.018. Epub 2022 May 31. PMID: 35752539
  2. Hashemi-Arend A, Vasquez KS, Guishard D, Naji M, Ronning A, George-Alexander G, Vasquez D, Sylvester C, Pagano W, Khalida C, Coffran C, Ezeonu T, Fofana K, Bielopolski D, Vaughan R, Qureshi A, Tobin JN, Kost RG. Implementing DASH-Aligned Meals and Self-Measured Blood Pressure to Reduce Hypertension at Senior Centers: A RE-AIM Analysis. Nutrients. 2022 Nov 18;14(22):4890. doi: 10.3390/nu14224890. PMID: 36432576
  3. Hashemi A, Vasquez K, Guishard D, Naji M, Ronning A, George-Alexander G, Vasquez D, Sylvester C, Pagano W, Khalida C, Coffran C, Ezeonu T, Fofana K, Bielopolski D, Vaughan R, Qureshi A, Tobin JN, Kost RG. Implementing DASH-aligned Congregate Meals and Self-Measured Blood Pressure in two senior centers: An open label study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2022 Aug;32(8):1998-2009. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2022.05.018. Epub 2022 May 31. PMID: 35752539
  4. Bielopolski D, Qureshi A, Bentur OS, Ronning A, Tobin JN, Kost R. Serum aldosterone and urine electrolytes dynamics in response to DASH diet intervention – An inpatient mechanistic study. J Clin Transl Sci. 2022 Apr 25;6(1):e84. doi: 10.1017/cts.2022.394. PMID: 35949658

Funded by an Administration on Aging Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services grant from

The Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living (Grant# 90-INNU-0007) and

The Rockefeller University Clinical and Translational Science Award Program

(CTSA) (NIH-NCATS Grant #UL1- TR-000043

PI – Guishard D, Ed.D; Co-PI – Kost R, MD; Co-PI – Tobin JN, PhD

We thank Dr. Delphine S. Tuot

For the original preparation of this presentation in English

